Computer Questions


Operating system is an example of

A) Application software B) System software
C) Both A & B D) None of the above
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) System software


A computer software are of two types. They are :

1. System software

2. Application software


Systems software includes the operating system and all the utilities that enable the computer to function. 


Application software includes programs that do real work for users.


Hence, Operating system is an example of system software.

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4 1827

The word length of a computer is measured in

A) centimeters B) millimeters
C) bytes D) bits
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) bits

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3 1819

CHKDSK command is used to

A) analyze the hard disk error B) diagnose the hard disk error
C) report the status of files on disk D) All of the above
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) All of the above

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1 1791

What is the shortcut key to open font dialog box?

A) Ctrl+Shift+F B) Alt+Ctrl+F
C) Alt+Shift+F D) None of the above
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Ctrl+Shift+F


Ctrl+Shift+F Opens the Font dialog box with the focus at the Font combo box.

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Filed Under: Computer
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT
Job Role: Analyst , Bank Clerk , Bank PO

3 1790

A word processor would most likely be used to do

A) type a biography B) maintain an inventory
C) a word processor would most likely be used to do D) do a computer search in media center
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) type a biography

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Filed Under: Computer
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT
Job Role: Analyst , Bank Clerk , Bank PO

6 1785

Which of the following is not a computer programming language?

Answer & Explanation Answer: A) NULL


A computer programming language is nothing but a language which is understand by the computer.

Examples of programming languages are Basic, C, Java, Python, ...

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1 1739

In a spreadsheet program, how is data organized?

A) Only rows B) Only columns
C) Both rows and columns D) None of the above
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Both rows and columns


A spreadsheet is an interactive computer application for organization, analysis and storage of data in tabular form. This software allows users to store data in rows and columns.


In_a_spreadsheet_program,_how_is_data_organized1562222370.png image

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Filed Under: Computer
Exam Prep: CAT , Bank Exams , AIEEE
Job Role: Bank PO , Bank Clerk , Analyst

2 1737

CTRL + ] is used for

A) Re-do B) Right align text
C) Increase in font size D) Expand or collapse the ribbon
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Increase in font size


CTRL + ] is a computer shortcut and is used for Increase in font size.


Shortcuts :

Re-do ---- Ctrl + Y

Right align text ---- Ctrl + R

Expand or collapse the ribbon ---- Ctrl + F1

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Filed Under: Computer
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE , GRE
Job Role: Analyst , Bank Clerk , Bank PO , Database Administration , IT Trainer

3 1721