Interview Questions


How to set the cursor to wait in JavaScript?


The cursor can set to wait in JavaScript by using the property ‘cursor’ property. The following example illustrates the usage. = "wait"; 

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1394

How to Accessing Elements using javascript?


The elements of JavaScript are accessed by their names. By default the browser is accessed by the element ‘windows’ and the page by ‘document’. The corresponding element has user defined names for forms and its elements. For example

var pwd = windows.document.frmLogin.password.value;

assigns the value of the password field of the form fromLogin in the current document, where password is the name of the element and frmLogin is the name of the form. Like wise any form element is accessed.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1394

Can you do a job that requires you to stay on the phone all day?


Before you go for a job at a call center you should know that the focus of the job here is “voice” which needs you to be on phone for quite a long time. So, the interviewer expects a “Yes” as an answer to this question.

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Subject: Call Center

0 1394

How to create arrays in JavaScript?


Arrays are created by using new Array() in Java Script.

For example : var employees = new Array();

The elements to this array is assigned as follows :

employees[0] = "Kumar"

employees[1] = "Fedrick"

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1393

Tell me what you know about a Remedy ticketing system?


The Remedy Action Request System, also realize as Remedy or Action Request System, is a client-server trouble ticketing function produced by BMC and used by companies to track internal issues and customer-reported problems. If a client calls customer service to report a service trouble, such as telephone problems or internet access, the customer service support agent would open a Remedy ticket. Treatment then routes the ticket to the proper trouble queue and team responsible for resolving the issue

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1 1384

What is the use of Name based hosting?


- Name based is the virtual hosting that allows the virtual hosts to serve multiple hostnames that runs on single machine and having only one IP address.

- This is used when the web browser is used to request the resource from the server then the server respond using the hostname. 

- Web server uses HTTP protocol to respond to the requested hostname as the part of the request. 

- The server contains all the information of the website and the user that requests for the resources given. 

- Name based web hosting includes the resources and services that need to be given at the time of client’s request.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1382

Just by seeing the signature of the bean how can you specity whether it is a Statefull of Stateless Session Bean?


The create method in a stateless bean cannot have arguments, and can only have a single method called create(). While create in Stateful bean can have arguments and could be any method starting with create string eg. create(arg1, arg2, ...). Although it is not compiler checked but in stateless bean the ejb Passivate() and ejb Active() methods has to be empty as these functions are never called by EJB container. As conceptually in stateful session bean we might need to store the clients information hence arguments in createare necessary. While in stateless bean we don't hence no arguments are necessary. It's intutive isn't intutive isn't. I my life I haven't seen such a futuristic server programming tool as EJB.

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Subject: Java

1 1382

What are the challenges faced while successfully implementing Business intelligence?


Most companies grasp the potential value of successful business intelligence applications. However, a common challenge that IT professionals encounter is how to find successful BI application that are adopted by users and make a positive impact on the organization and on the bottom line. It can be difficult to structure effective BI project teams, select the right BI application, manage business-IT communications and measure BI success. BI is robust application, developing and optimizing successful BI application is always a challenge which involves structuring BI teams and managing business-IT communication.

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2 1378