

Union Home Minister is to launch the 'Single Window Clearance System' in which sector?


A) DISCOMs B) Steel Plants
C) Coal Mines D) Copper Mines
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Coal Mines

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Filed Under: Indian Politics
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 2085

 Which of the following is required for the DB2 optimizer to consider a hash join strategy?

A) Optimization level 1 or above B) Equijion predicates
C) Registry variable DB_ANTIJOIN=YES D) SORTHEAP large enough to contain the tables being joined
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Equijion predicates

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Filed Under: IBM Certification

1 2084

What is the difference between microprocessor and micro-controller?


In microprocessor more op-codes, few bit handling instrucitons. But in Microcontroller. fewer op-codes, more bit handling Instruction, and also it is defined as a device that includes micro processor, memory, & input / output signal lines on a single chip.

the basic architectual difference is that microcontroller has an programmable memory while it is not the case with mivroprocessors.

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Subject: Hardware

0 2084

Faizi lived in the court of _________.


A) Humayun B) Dara Shikoh
C) Bahadur Shah Zafar D) Akbar
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) Akbar

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Filed Under: Indian History
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

2 2084

What is process migration?


It is the transfer of sufficient amount of the state of process from one machine to the target machine.

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0 2083

What can you catch but not throw?


A cold or flu illness.

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3 2083

What is the Biggest Annual Net Loss?


AOL Time Warner (USA) reported an annual net loss of $98.7 billion on 30 January 2003.

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0 2083

Plants grow in size because of 

A) addition of cells B) increase in size of cells
C) enlargement of cells D) elongation of cells
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) addition of cells


Plants grow in size both in height and in girth. Enlargement of cells already present cannnot contribute much to the growth. Only addition of more and more cells could increase the size of the plant considerably.

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Filed Under: Biology

3 2083