Technology Questions


What is the difference between creating a thread by extending Thread class and by implementing Runnable interface? Which one should prefer?


When creating a thread by extending the Thread class, it is not mandatory to override the run method (If we are not overriding the run method , it is useless), because Thread class have already given a default implementation for run method. But if we are implementing Runnable , it is mandatory to override the run method. The preferred way to create a thread is by implementing Runnable interface, because it give loose coupling.

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Subject: Java

0 1403

How to call a constructor in java?


Constructor chaining is the process of calling one constructor from another constructor with respect to current object.

Within same class: It can be done using this() keyword for constructors in same class

From base class: by using super() keyword to call constructor from the base class.

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1 1401

What is the procedure to configure the web browser to accept or reject cookies?


- The web browser visits a website using the HTTP and then it keeps the track of the identity of the user visiting the web page.

- The cookies of HTTP get stored with the personal information of the user and it doesn’t accept the information. 

- Users accept the cookies as by rejecting all the cookies will load the web page in longer time and it will not be desired by the users. 

- Even if the cookie is being rejected a session cookie is being kept for use as it is the provision given to the web browser to use it. 

- The cookies gets stored temporary basis depending on the user of accepting or rejecting it and it basically saves the session so that the duration of the page load can be reduced.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1399

What are the ways to change the cookie setting using the web browser?


The cookie settings include the enabling and disabling of the services that are used with the web browsers.

The following steps are taken to set the cookies:

- The TOOLS menu is being opened on web browser and the privacy tab is selected from where the privacy of individual user can be managed. 

- Using the ADVANCED tab the options to set the cookies will be visible and it will allow the overriding of cookie. 

- The cookies can be accepted by checking the first party cookies or the third party cookies. Out of these choices the first party cookies provide more security. 

- Check the checkbox for "Always allow session cookies" so that the session cookies can be maintained. 

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1399

What are the different objects used in JavaScripts?


JavaScripts uses a hierarchical structure that applies to the objects in a document. There are some objects that show the relationship of one object to another using the language.

Window object: This is the topmost object in the hierarchy. It represent the content area of browser window that consists of HTML documents. Each frame is also a window that has some actions inside it.

Document object: This object gets loaded in a window and consists of objects of different kind in the model. It consists of the content that will be written in the script.

Form object: Form objects are used for more interaction with the users. It represents the form elements inside <FORM>...</FORM> tag.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1398

What are the advantages of the external over inline style methods?


- External Style Sheets are useful as it keeps the style and content separately and doesn’t allow it to mix with each other. It can control the styles for multiple documents, whereas inline style mixes the content with the style and make the code messier.

- External style sheet allows the creation of various classes in a structured way, whereas inline style sheet can’t create or control class elements.

- External style sheet can use selector and grouping methods to apply styles, whereas inline styles can’t use selector and grouping methods.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1396

What is the use of IP based hosting?


The web hosting on the server can be accomplished by using the IP based hosting that provides resources and services as follows:

- IP based hosting provides dedicated IPs that consists of virtual hosts and having the different IP address. 

- Web server is configured with different and multiple physical network interfaces using the same physical interface. 

- Web server uses this IP address to connect the client with the server to determine the web site that provides the client a view of it. 

- IP addresses provide the resources that are required in order to use the SSL certificates and other resources rather than shared certificate.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1395

How to Accessing Elements using javascript?


The elements of JavaScript are accessed by their names. By default the browser is accessed by the element ‘windows’ and the page by ‘document’. The corresponding element has user defined names for forms and its elements. For example

var pwd = windows.document.frmLogin.password.value;

assigns the value of the password field of the form fromLogin in the current document, where password is the name of the element and frmLogin is the name of the form. Like wise any form element is accessed.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1394