C++ Questions


Where is the reference stored?

A) stack B) heap
C) queue D) None
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) stack


Referencee is stored in stack

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Filed Under: C++

1 3536

Default constructor accepts how many arguments?

A) one B) two
C) three D) None
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) None


Default constructors has no arguments

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Filed Under: C++

1 3529

Define void pointer using C++.?


In C++, void represents the absence of type, so void pointers are pointers that point to a value that has no type. The void pointers can point to any data type.

You can declare void pointer as follows:

void *p;

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Subject: C++
Job Role: Software Architect

0 3454

Explain storage qualifiers in C++


i.) Const - This variable means that if the memory is initialised once, it should not be altered by a program. 

ii.) Volatile - This variable means that the value in the memory location can be altered even though nothing in the program code modifies the contents. 

iii.) Mutable - This variable means that a particular member of a structure or class can be altered even if a particular structure variable, class, or class member function is constant.

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Subject: C++

1 3423

What are the methods are available in storing sequential files?

A) Natural merging B) Polyphase sort
C) Distribution of Initial runs D) All the above
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) All the above


ll the above listed methods are used in storing sequential files

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Filed Under: C++

1 3421

What is the use of Namespace?

A) To encapsulate the data B) To structure a program into logical units.
C) Both a and b D) none of these
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) To structure a program into logical units.


The main aim of the namespace is to understand the logical units of the program and to make the program so robust.

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Filed Under: C++

1 3420

Different access specifiers for the class member in C++


Access specifiers in C++ determines the scope of the class members.

Public: If a class member is public, it can be used anywhere without the access restrictions.

Private: if a class member is private, it can be used only by the members and friends of class.

Protected: If a class member is protected, it can be used only by the members and friends of class and the members and friends of classes derived from class.

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Subject: C++

1 3419

What is a Wrapper class?


Wrapper classes wrap primitive values in a class and offers utility to access them through objects. Some of the primitive wrapper data types are:

Byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, Boolean.


Create a class name VectorAdd to populate it with integer values using the add(int, object) method.

public class VectorAdd


       public static void main(String argv[])


             Vector v = new Vector();

             v.add(0,new Integer(10));

             v.add(1,new Integer(20));

             v.add(2,new Integer(30));

             for(int i=0; i < v.size();i ++)


                  Integer iw =(Integer) v.get(i);





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Subject: C++

0 3354