Oracle Questions


How can we read and write operating system files from PL/SQL program?


The UTL_FILE database package can be used to read and write operating system files. You need to have read /write access rights in that directory before the package can be used.

Example to write file:

Fhandler is a variable of type UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE

UTL_FILE.PUTF(fHandler, 'Im writing to a file\n');


Example to read file:

UTL_FILE.GET_LINE(fHandler, buf);

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Subject: Oracle

0 1564

Explain Not Null constraint.


Oracle NOT NULL is used on a column to ensure that the value for that column can never be NULL.
Below, the constraint is that the id should never be NULL. If it is, oracle throws an error.
create table employee ( id number NOT NULL, Name varchar(200) );

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Subject: Oracle

0 1564

What are Cursors? Explain Types of cursors in PL/SQL


Cursors help you manipulate the information retrieved by select statements. This can be done by assigning a name to the cursor.


CURSOR emp_cur 


SELECT emp_number from employee_tbl where employee_name = name_in;

Types of Cursors:

Implicit cursors- These cursors are not declared by the programmer. They are issued when the SQL statement is executed. The open, close and fetching is done by itself.


UPDATE employee SET salary = salary * 2.1;

Here, an implicit cursor is issued to identify the set of rows in the table which would be affected by the update.


Explicit cursors- These cursors are defined by programmer. They are used in queries that return multiple rows.


CURSOR emp_cur 


SELECT emp_number from employee_tbl where employee_name = name_in;

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Subject: Oracle

1 1556

What is a PL/SQL Record data type?


A record data type represents a data type for that row in a database table. It lets u define your own records and not your own fields.

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Subject: Oracle

0 1552

What are the basic SQL*Plus commands?


1) START- Used to run a SQL script.
2) ACCEPT- Accepts input from user.
3) GET- Gets the sql file from user to place in buffer.
4) LIST- Displays the last command executed.
5) RUN- Used to list and run the command in buffer
6) SHOW- Shows the environment settings. Example: SHOW PAGESIZE

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Subject: Oracle

0 1518

How to Add a new column to an existing table?


New column can be added using the ALTER TABLE command as shown below:
ALTER TABLE employee ADD DateOfBirth date

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Subject: Oracle

0 1463