Searching for "finalize()"


When is the finalize() called ? What is the purpose of finalization ?


The finalize method is called by the garbage collector, just before releasing the object’s memory. It is normally advised to release resources held by the object inside the finalize method.

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Subject: Java


why overriding finalize() method?


If constructor opens the file 

finalize() method closes that file.


If constructor opens the connection 

finalize() method closes that connection.


To perform finalization operation we must overriding finalize method.

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Subject: Java


How is final different from finally and finalize()?

Answer final is a modifier which can be applied to a class or a method or a variable. final class can't be inherited, final method can't be overridden and final variable can't be changed.

finally is an exception handling code section which gets executed whether an exception is raised or not by the try block code segment.

finalize() is a method of Object class which will be executed by the JVM just before garbage collecting object to give a final chance for resource releasing activity.
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Subject: Java