
Priorities often change suddenly throughout the day. If you are asked to quickly do another task, how does that affect your mood?  



What is normal blood pressure for 50 year old woman?


Generally, as we human beings get older have a slight rise in our blood pressure as a result of increase in the demand of oxygen and nutrients. Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood pumped by the heart and how easily blood flows through arteries. 

Normal blood pressure is 120/80.


Normal blood pressure for 50 year old woman have a systolic pressure of, at a minimum, 116; average, 129, and at a maximum, 142. Her diastolic pressure should be 81, at a minimum; 85, average and 89, at a maximum.

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1 782

Charles spearman believed that intelligence is composed of


Charles Spearman believed that intelligence is composed of a general ability (g) and a number of specific abilities (s) that underlies all intellectual functions. He observed that people who are bright in one area tend to be bright in other areas as well.

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1 1051

Does a pap smear test for ovarian cancer?

Answer & Explanation Answer: B) FALSE


The Pap test is effective in early detection of cervical cancer, but it isn't a test for ovarian cancer. Rarely, ovarian cancers are found through Pap tests, but usually they are at an advanced stage.


Hence, given statement is False.

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1 922

24/7 operations are like relay races where you take the baton, run with it and then pass it on smoothly. How do you make seamless transitions on shift changes?


Sample Answers :

(i) Be prepared for the incoming crew. Ensure the ambulance is clean and fully stocked. Arrive early so that shift changes can take place on time, still leaving you enough time to check the ambulance and be ready to go if you get a call.

(ii) Show up a little early for your shift for rig check and to receive any information from outgoing crew. When you are the outgoing crew,leave rig in a better state than you found it. Communicate with incoming/outgoing crew allowing a smooth transition.

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1 1790

During the last year, when your replacement hasn't shown up and your manager asked you to stay late, what percentage of the time have you stayed late?


Sample Answers :

(i) More Often 90%

(ii) 75% i stay when possible. sometimes there are other things that have to be done or plans that have already been made.

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1 1273

How have you responded in the past when your replacement calls in sick and a substitute will take over an hour to come in?


Sample Answers :

(i) Upset but did not show it, that is the nature of the job, this things happen, the patients care takes priority.

(ii) I have not experienced this necessarily, but I have had my nurse mentor cancel on me because of a family emergency. In this situation I still attended my clinical and worked with a different nurse mentor. I quickly adapt to situations, which is an important quality in a nurse. In this situation I would stay until a substitute is able to come in. I would do this to ensure patient safety and maintain positive staff morale. It is important to recognize that getting sick is inevitable, and I will most likely be in the same situation one day and will need staff to pick up my shift.

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2 1415