PHP Questions


For printing out strings, there are echo, print and printf. Explain the differences.

Answer - echo is the most primitive of them, and just outputs the contents following the construct to the screen. print is also a construct (so parentheses are optional when calling it), but it returns TRUE on successful output and FALSE if it was unable to print out the string. However, you can pass multiple parameters to echo, like:

and it will output the string "Welcome to TechInterviews!" print does not take multiple parameters. It is also generally argued that echo is faster, but usually the speed advantage is negligible, and might not be there for future versions of PHP. printf is a function, not a construct, and allows such advantages as formatted output, but it’s the slowest way to print out data out of echo, print and printf.
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Subject: PHP

0 2873

What’s the special meaning of __sleep and __wakeup?

Answer __sleep returns the array of all the variables than need to be saved, while __wakeup retrieves them.
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Subject: PHP

0 2872

How do I find out the number of parameters passed into function?

Answer func_num_args() function returns the number of parameters passed in.
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Subject: PHP

0 2786

Explain include(), include_once, require() and require_once.


The include() function takes all the content in a specified file and includes it in the current file. If an error occurs, the include() function generates a warning, but the script will continue execution.

File will not be included more than once. If we want to include a file once only and further calling of the file will be ignored then we have to use the PHP function include_once().

The require() function is identical to include(), except that it handles errors differently. The require() generates a fatal error, and the script will stop.

The required file is called only once when a page is open and further calling of the file will be ignored.

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Subject: PHP

0 2693

Will comparison of string "10" and integer 11 work in PHP?

Answer Yes, internally PHP will cast everything to the integer type, so numbers 10 and 11 will be compared.
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Subject: PHP

1 2627

Explain how to work with Permissions in PHP.


Permissions in PHP are very similar to UNIX. Each file has three types of permissions – Read, write and execute. Permissions can be changed using the change mode or CHMOD command. CHMOD is followed by 3 digit number specifying the permission type. CHMOD 777 is for Read, Write and execute.

Unnecessary permissions can be stripped off using UNMASK command.

Unmask (777);

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Subject: PHP

0 2616

How do you destroy a particular or all Sessions?


// store session data
unset($_SESSION['views']); // If you wish to delete some session data, you can use the unset()
session_destroy(); // You can also completely destroy the session by calling the session_destroy() function. session_destroy() will reset your session and you will lose all your stored session data.

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Subject: PHP

0 2615

How can we find the number of rows in a result set using PHP?


$result = mysql_query($sql, $db_link);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
echo "$num_rows rows found";

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Subject: PHP

0 2598