
What are the difference between in-stream procedure and inline procedure in JCL ? 



How do you check the syntax of a JCL without running it?


TYPERUN=SCAN on the JOB card or use JSCAN.

TYPERUN=HOLD on the job card.

it is used for syntatical checks and direct job to spool and hold it.

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3 7394

How will you call the return code of JCL ?


Return Code in JCL can b obtained by the use of COND paramater...it is used to know the return codes of previous steps.

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2 5023

What are SD37, SB37, SE37 abends?


All indicate dataset out of space. SD37 - no secondary allocation was specified. SB37 - end of vol. and no further volumes specified. SE37 - Max. of 16 extents already allocated.

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5 11825

What is the use of SYSPRINT, SYSIN, DUMMY in JCL ?


SYSPRINT: All system output will appear under this DD card. Suppose you are copying a VSAM file using IDCAMS. Then, number of records processed, highest condition code etc.. will appear under sysprint. You cannot customise SYSPRINT output.

SYSIN: This is nothing but SYStem INstruction. Suppose, you want to sort a file on certain key. You have to have following command under SYSIN.

SORT FIELDS = (starting-col,length,data-type,A/D)


DUMMY: Mainly used where user is intended to simulate a program without creating an output file.

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3 8783

What are the processing modes available in IMS DB?


Batch DL/I

MPP Mode - (Message Processing Program)

BMP Mode - (Batch Message Processing)

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2 6627

What are the two types of fields available in IMS DB?


Key Fields - (PROCOPT=K)

- Used to sequence the database and can't be changed

- It is the field within a segment, used to identify the occurrence of the segment

- Used to maintain the IMS segments in ascending sequence.


Search Fields - (PROCOPT=G)

- Used to search for a segment, without the segment being sequenced on that field

- A segment need not have a key or search field.


Both types of fields can be used to search the database.

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0 4238

What is a key field in an IMS database?


A Field that DL/I uses to maintain the segments in the ascending order is called the key field

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2 5164

What is IMS (DB/DC)?


IMS (Information Management System) is IBMs hierarchical database management system. It has mainly two components: IMS DB and IMS DC (Also know as IMS TM)

IMS DB - IMS/Database Manager as the name implies manages the IMS databases. It is used for physical storage creation and management and data retrieval.

IMS DC / IMS TM - IMS/Data Communications or IMS/Transaction Manager handles online transaction processing system.

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