Technical Questions


What is mutex?


Mutex is a program object that allows multiple program threads to share the same resource, such as file access, but not simultaneously. When a program is started a mutex is created woth a unique name. After this stage, any thread that needs the resource must lock the mutex from other threads while it is using the resource. the mutex is set to unlock when the data is no longer needed or the routine is finished.

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1 1649

What is a device queue?


A list of processes waiting for a particular I/O device is called device queue.

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0 1649

What is SMP?


To achieve maximum efficiency and reliability a mode of operation known as symmetric multiprocessing is used. In essence, with SMP any process or threads can be assigned to any processor.

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1 1647

What is Program counter?


Program counter holds the address of either the first byte of the next instruction to be fetched for execution of the address of the next byte of a multi byte instruction, which has not been completely fetched. In both the cases it gets incremented automatically one by one as the instruction bytes get fetched. Also Program register keeps the address of the next instruction.

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Subject: Hardware

1 1647

What are the major flags in 8086?


In 8086 Carry flag, Parity flag, Ausiliary caarry flag, Zero flag, Overflow flag, Trace flag, Interrupt flag, Direction flag, and Sign flag.

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Subject: Hardware

0 1644

What is a deadlock?


Deadlock is a situation where a group of processes are all blocked and none of them can become unblocked until one of the other becomes unblocked. The simplest deadlock is two processes each of which is waiting for a message from the other.

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1 1643

What are * and? when using them for wildcards in windows?


* - any characters, aribitary among

? - single character

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Subject: Hardware

0 1643

What is cycle stealing?


We encounter cycle stealing in the context of Direct Memory Access (DMA). Either the DMA controller can use the data bus when the CPU does not need it, or it may force the CPU to temporarily suspend operation. The latter technique is called cycle stealing. Note that cycle stealing can be done only at specific break points in an instruction cycle.

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0 1640