
This events sends the web page to the server for processing. Web page sends data back to the

same page on the server.
Which among the following events does the above stated task?

A) Validation events B) Cached events
C) Postback events D) None

Answer:   C) Postback events


Postback events does the bove stated task

Subject: .NET
Job Role: Software Architect

How to set breakpoints?


Setting up the break points:

  1.  Go to the line where you need to mark the breakpoint.

  2.  Click with mouse on left corner margin of that line.

  3.  Another way is to press F9

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Subject: .NET

0 1602

What is the managed execution process?


Managed execution process is a process where CLR executes the managed code. The steps involved in this process are:

  1.  Choosing the right compiler

  2.  Compiling the code to MSIL. This also generates the required metadata.

  3.  Compile the MSIL ode to native machine code.

  4. Executing the code with the variety of services available

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Subject: .NET

0 2634

Explain how to configure Trace switches in the application’s .config file.?


switches are configured using the .config file



<add name="MyTraceSwitch" value="1" />

<add name="TraceSwitch2" value="1" />



both are on.

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Subject: .NET

0 1579

Describe how to step through code in .NET.


Steps to step through the code in .NET:

  1. Start the program in debug mode.

  2. When the first breakpoint is reached then step through can be done in one of the two ways:

  •  Press F10 to move to next line.

  •  Select debug menu and click on step over. This would step over the breakpoint to next level.

       3. Other options are: “Step Into” and “Step Out”.

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Subject: .NET

1 2945

How to create a Delegate?


public delegate void Del<T>(T item);

Del<int> d1 = new Del<int>(Notify);

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Subject: .NET

0 1768

What is a delegate?


A delegate declares a ref type that references a named of anonymous method. Delegates are secure and type-safe. Consider them as type safe function pointers.

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Subject: .NET

0 1580

Explain the process of creating a context menu using the ContextMenu component


ContextMenu component provides the users with the ability to access some very frequently used commands. Context menu works by right click of mouse. They mainly provide access to commands particular to the control that has been clicked upon.

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Subject: .NET

0 1728

Describe the .NET base class library


.NET’s Base class library exists in order to encapsulate huge number of common functions and makes them easily accessible to the developer. .NET base class library provides the functionality like ADO.NET, XML, Threading, IO, Security, Diagnostics, Resources, Globalization, collections etc. It serves as the main point of interaction between developer and runtime.

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Subject: .NET

0 2228