Administrative Assistant Questions


What is the most difficult part of administrative assistant job?


The intention of the interviewer by asking this question is to discover the pain points for the candidate.


Here this can be explained with an example like this :

The administrative assistant might seem like someone whose job is simply keeping everything filed and organized and scheduled. But they actually are the building block of the entire office, making everyone's lives function more smoothly and with good access to information when they need it.


Sometimes I have so many things crossing my desk at a given time that I can get a bit overwhelmed. When this happens I take a deep breath and focus on prioritizing the work. Then I get a clear head again and can dive back in.

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3 2052

How would you feel supervising two other employees?


The interviewer want to know your management style and skills by asking this question.


Example Answer ::

In my previous role managing retail employees, I determined that if you intentionally show that you respect the staff, they will work harder for you. This instills them with a sense of ownership and a desire to produce excellent results.

* I have also found that your team will model the behavior they see in you.

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2 1107

How would you react if you felt you were being pushed too far at work?


Sample Answer :


If pushed too far I would consider speaking to my manager about workloads and expectations and try to resolve the situation.

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2 1032

What computer skills do you have?


Here by this question the employer need to know do you have any computer skills for managing an admin's job.


Example Answer :

I'm proficient with Microsoft Office suite including Word, Excel, and Power Point. I'm very comfortable using these programs and have a lot of experience doing so in my previous job roles.

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1 981

Do you think it’s important to be positive in an admin role?


Being positive is important because often a person’s attitude to their work can come across in their writing and presentation. 


Example ::

An admin plays an important role in ensuring that diaries are properly managed and that all outgoing correspondence is well written and all incoming correspondence is read and delivered to the relevant managers quickly. Administrators sometimes provide the first impression a customer has of a business, so a positive and professional outlook is needed at all times.

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2 938

How do you deal with authority?


By asking this the interviewer want to know how much will you obey and obedient to your respective authorities.


Example answer :

Say that you deal with authority as you deal with customers - with integrity, professionalism and politeness.

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1 916

How do you perform in a fast-paced and potentially stressful environment?


Here by asking this question, your interviewer want to evaluate, how you manage your stressfull situations and its impact on your work and co-employees.


Sample Answer ::


I know how important it is to be calm even when other people are not.

In my previous job, part of my work required managing multiple phone calls with customers and handling them in an efficient and professional manner. I feel I can provide a good balance of listening and speaking calmly and clearly.

Additionally, I know a large part of my role is providing support for the adjusters or other employees to whose team I belong. I would ask them what type of support they need from me and adjust my work to meet those requirements.

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3 895

What kind of organizational skills do you feel you can contribute on the job to help your fellow employees?


Organization is one of my strongest assets. You are questioned this to test how you are in an organization and what the skills you have to organize the fellow employees.


Sample Answer ::

I have worked as an assistant or organizer in several previous circumstances, both in my career and as a volunteer in local organizations. I’m familiar with the most popular online scheduling and organizational software, as well as common methods of keeping a personal calendar. I’ve also used both physical filing archives for important documents and electronic filing systems. I completed a continuing education course on scheduling and organization as well.


Clear and efficient organization procedures are important to me, so I’m looking forward to learning more about other people’s organizational style and sharing my own.

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2 816