
The ratio of selling price to the cost price is 21 : 16. What is the profit percentage?


A) 35.75 B) 21.75  
C) 27.75 D) 31.25

Answer:   D) 31.25

Subject: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

A man sell 35 waffers for Rs. 15 each and loses Rs. 40.4. If he sells 35 waffers for Rs. 18, how much does he loss or gain ?

A) Rs. 64 B) Rs. 52
C) Rs. 72 D) Rs. 55
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Rs. 64


Given Loss = Rs. 40.4
We know loss = cost price - selling price
40.4 = CP - 35(15)
=> CP = 40.4 + 525
=> CP = Rs. 565.4
Now the New selling price of waffer is Rs. 18
=> SP = 35(18) = 630
Now Gain = SP - CP = 630 -565.4 = Rs. 64.6.

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE , GRE
Job Role: Bank Clerk , Bank PO

5 3080

On selling 17 balls at Rs. 720, there is a loss equal to the cost price of 5 balls. The cost price of a ball is ?

A) Rs. 55 B) Rs. 60
C) Rs. 65 D) Rs. 70
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Rs. 60


Let the cost price of a ball is Rs.x
Given, on selling 17 balls at Rs. 720, there is a loss equal to the cost price of 5 balls
The equation is :
17x - 720 = 5x
Solving the equation
we get x = 60
Therefore, cost price of a ball is Rs. 60.

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE , GRE
Job Role: Analyst , Bank Clerk , Bank PO

35 26532

Raghu earns 25% on an investment but loses 10% on another investment. If the ratio of the two investment is 3:5. What is the gain or loss on two investments taken together ?

A) 1.251 % B) 3.125 %
C) 7.21 % D) 9.451 %
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) 3.125 %


Taking the 2 investments to be 3x and 5x respectively
Total income of Raghu = (3x) x 1.25 + (5x) x 0.9 = 8.25
Therefore, Gain% = 0.25/8 x 100 = 3.125 %.

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT
Job Role: Analyst , Bank Clerk , Bank PO

11 9932

John sells his laptop to Mark at a loss of 20% who subsequently sells it to Kevin at a profit of 25%. Kevin after finding some defect in the laptop, returns it to Mark but could recover only Rs.4.50 for every Rs. 5 he had paid. Find the amount of Kevin’s loss if John had paid Rs. 1,75,000 for the laptop ?

A) Rs.16,500 B) Rs.17,500
C) Rs.14,200 D) Rs.15,520
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Rs.17,500


Let’s assume John bought the laptop for Rs. 100
He then sells it to Mark at a loss of 20% => Rs. 80,
Who consequently sells it to Kevin at a profit of 25% =>  Rs. 100
Then, Kevin sells it back to Mark for Rs. 90 (Rs.4.50 for every Rs. 5 that he had paid initially), so he suffers a loss of Rs. 10
Therefore, for Rs. 100 there is a loss of Rs. 10,
Then for Rs. 1,75,000 there will be a loss of Rs. 17,500.

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE , GRE
Job Role: Bank Clerk , Bank PO

15 8773

If watches bought at prices ranging from Rs. 200 to Rs. 350 are sold at prices ranging from Rs. 300 to Rs. 425. What is the greatest possible profit that might be made in selling nine watches ?

A) Rs. 1800 B) Rs. 2000
C) Rs. 2025 D) Rs. 1750
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Rs. 2025


Profit would be maximum if watches are brought for Rs. 200 and sold for Rs. 425
Profit = Rs. (425 - 200) = Rs. 225
Profit of 9 watches = Rs. 225 x 9 = Rs.2,025.

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE , GRE
Job Role: Bank Clerk , Bank PO

5 3997

The market price of an article was 40% more than its cost price. Rana was going to sell it at market price to a customer, but he showed Rana some defects in the article, due to which Rana gave him a discount of 28.57%. Next day he came again and showed Rana some more defects, hence he gave him another discount that was equal to 12.5% of the cost price. What was the approximate profit/loss to Rana ?

A) Loss of 12.5% B) Profit of 12.5%
C) Loss of 24.5% D) Profit of 22.5%
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Loss of 12.5%


Let the cost price be Rs. 100
Then, market price is Rs. 140
Now, the first discount is of 28.57% Rs.140 =~ Rs. 40
Hence, its selling price = 140 - 40 = Rs. 100
Now since Rana is selling at cost price, any further discount will be equal to loss percentage.
The next dicount of 12.5% will be the loss percentage to Rana.

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE , GRE
Job Role: Analyst , Bank Clerk , Bank PO

11 7758

A sweet seller sells 3/5th part of sweets at a profit of 10% and remaining at a loss of 5%. If the total profit is Rs 1500, then what is the total cost price of sweets ?

A) Rs.37,500 B) Rs.36,400
C) Rs.37,415 D) Rs.36,500
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Rs.37,500


Assume A be the cost price.


35×A×10100 - 25×A×5100 = 1500


=>  A = Rs 37,500.

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: GRE , GATE , CAT , Bank Exams , AIEEE
Job Role: Bank PO , Bank Clerk , Analyst

28 15930

'A' sold an article to 'B' at a profit of 20%. 'B' sold the same article to 'C' at a loss of 25% and 'C' sold the same article to 'D' at a profit of 40%. If 'D' paid Rs 252 for the article, then find how much did 'A' pay for it?

A) Rs.196 B) Rs.210
C) Rs.200 D) Rs.235
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Rs.200


Let the article costs 'X' to A
Cost price of B = 1.2X
Cost price of C = 0.75(1.2X) = 0.9X
Cost price of D = 1.4(0.9X) = 1.26X = 252
Amount paid by A for the article = Rs. 200.

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE , GRE
Job Role: Analyst , Bank Clerk , Bank PO

45 26795